Monday, August 4, 2008

Simply said, Wow. That was the reaction of Ms. Gina Jenkins, the library manager at the Dekalb County, Redan-Totti Library on Saturday, Aug. 2nd--- Wow. This is where the final TEEN SUMMIT 2008 - Atlanta of the summer was held. The 45 teen attendance left with smiles, questions, and focus. Dreams were born and some put to plan as the organizers gave a sigh of accomplishment.

It was a joyful experience as well as a tearful one for Lattice Hardwick, founder of Kidz 4 Money and creator of TEEN SUMMIT 2008 - Atlanta. “I have never felt this good about an event as I have felt this summer. Today, of course, is a bittersweet event, since this is the last scheduled TEEN SUMMIT this year. But, believe me, we will be doing this again and more.”

Author, course developer, and speaker GW Lawrence began the day with a discussion on wealth, critical thinking, and COOL. Ms. Hardwick elevated the excitement as teens learned how to properly write checks, balance a budget, and plan for prosperity. Quiznos of Lithonia and Chick-fil-A of Stonecrest Mall provided the lunch. Then after a hardy lunch and at center stage came spoken-word, wings to uplift each teen. The incredible singer, songwriter, poet and mother, Bridget Levi brought the after meal murmur to a quiet with her poem “I Love You”. An unexpected, but appropriate finger snapping from the crowd graced her at the end of her performance.

Finishing the day were two gentleman, who created a friendly competition to see who could bring the most inspiring message to the crowd. Both Theo Allen, author of “The Steps of a Good Man” and Rory Edwards, founder Edwards Educational Consulting delivered a proper empowering piece on "Purpose" and "Endless Possibilities". The obvious winners were the attendees and after these two extraordinary motivational speakers left, the crowd was electrified, like new batteries. Ms. Hardwick gave out a seemingly endless supply of prizes finishing with the crowd favorite blue-tooth Verizon phones (2), and a $210 complete make over Black Butterfly Spa and Salon in Stone Mountain.

In conclusion, Lattice departs this summer project with, “We would like to thank all of our sponsors for the many gifts and lunches for these young people. And, as for our esteem speakers, I simply want to say remarkable. It is remarkable that without any special treatment, compensation, or media exposure, you all eagerly came through without hesitation. On behalf of our communities, the many teens that participated, and Kidz 4 Money, I thank you, our young people thank you, and may you always be blessed

Kidz 4 Money will be involved in several large projects for today’s youth this year, so stay tuned, visit and look for their calendar. "This kind of love never ends, it only finds new ways to express itself"

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